Blessings From Above

Blessings From Above

Friday, May 21, 2010

Music to our ears

When Laylie was still growing in my tummy I would touch my round belly and pray over her many times throughout the day. Little prayers like she would be filled up with the Holy Spirit, have an obedient heart, follow her Heavenly Father and so much more. One of the things I wished for her was to have her daddy’s musical talent. Yes, Jason can play any instrument he picks up and has the most amazing voice. While, me on the other hand I will just say I try my hardest and I am truly thankful that I can sit back and enjoy it all.

While I was cooking dinner Laylie displayed that she sure has Jason’s musical talent already at 7 months. Here she is playing the drums with our pots and pans while singing along. Boy, do I love this and I am looking forward to watching her grow more and more. If it is her playing many instruments or maybe none at all what matters most is for her to worship our Savior. Enjoy the photos and video of our little blessing from above playing the drums in the kitchen while mama does her cooking.

What do you know…She really enjoys playing the piano too.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gone to Georgia and Back

This past week we visited the beautiful land of Georgia and we had the most incredible time. We stayed a full week visiting my family and making memories to the fullest. It brought Jason and I so much joy to share Laylie with all my cousins and she sure did enjoy them too. I think she giggled and smiled more this past week than her seven months of life combined. I must admit, out of the three of us, I think I am having the hardest time adjusting to being home because I no longer have all of the wonderful helping hands every second of the day. It’s now just Jas, Laylie and I again. We loved waking up each morning with my family and being in their presence was the most cherished time.

We did get to indulge on some delicious southern comfort food while we were there – such tasty treats as fried corn nuggets, authentic southern BBQ, Chick-fil-A, Georgia peach ice cream, pecans, and at every meal we drank a nice big cup of sweet tea. Our taste buds went wild and we loved it!

One of my favorite things about Georgia are the houses there. They are the most breathtaking houses you will ever see. They have the most beautiful brick homes, big lush green yards, large vegetable gardens on the side, and wrap around porches. We would drive from place to place and I would just be in the back of the car enjoying the scenery and looking at the cute homes going by. I never knew how beautiful Georgia really was until this trip.

My family is blessed to have one of these houses and we made many memories playing in their 4 acres of beautiful land. We fed their baby chicks, played on their swing set, trampoline, napped in their hammock, got very dizzy on their merry-go-round, went on some beautiful nature walks, and rode bikes around their neighborhood with Laylie in tow. We even broke out my Great Grandpa’s shotgun and shot a few rounds with it!

All in all it was a very wonderful, relaxing, and amazing trip. We are forever grateful to our Georgia family for taking us in and being such gracious hosts. Talk about southern hospitality! We are so looking forward to our next visit.
Here are some captured memories of the time in GA…

The Georgia Family - My Aunt, Uncle and Cousins

The Girls

Laylie did have a Berry Good Time - The Lane Place

Swinging on the swing after eating snow cones together

Giving my Grandpa's shotgun a try

Jason getting a shot at the shotgun

One of the adorable houses I loved