We had the most wonderful Christmas this year. We spent it with our girls, lots of family, and most importantly reflecting on the sweet birth of our Savior.
This year was a little different with Laylie being another year older. Every morning, she would wake up and could not wait to add another day onto the advent calendar. She would count each space until Christmas Day. She could not wait!! The morning of Christmas Eve she put on day 24 and screamed with excitement knowing that tomorrow was Christmas Day. We love watching how Christmas brings so much joy into our little one’s heart.

Christmas Eve we met the whole Troncone family at North Coast Calvary Chapel for their amazing Christmas Eve service. We loved sitting together and taking up two rows, singing worship songs and listening about God delivering His Son to us. After church, we went to my parents’ house where the festivities began. When your parents have 6 children and they all start getting married and having children of their own it really starts to get extra fun with tons of craziness. The kids ran around playing together and the adults sat around giggling, talking and enjoying each other's company. We had a delicious lasagna dinner and then had our annual Christmas traditions – my mom read two tear-jerking Christmas stories, we all held hands in a big circle and sang Christmas carols, and we lit candles for each other and gave each other a wish for the New Year. We ended the evening sipping hot coco, eating dessert, and opening up gifts. We were overjoyed to have such an awesome Christmas Eve with our family and two girls. We could not wait to get home and have Christmas morning too.

Christmas Day Laylie and Rael woke up at the same time and we all jumped up and down together yelling, “It’s Christmas time!!” We took pictures of our girls on the stairs, just like we do every year, and we walked downstairs to see the Christmas tree all lit up with presents underneath. We opened up gifts while we listened to Christmas music and loved on each other. We then had a moment of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, which Laylie especially enjoyed. For breakfast we ate some Monkey Bread, then we got ready for the day and headed over to Jason’s parents house where more fun began.

We spent the rest of the day at the White’s house continuing the celebrations we started just a few days earlier - the day before Christmas Eve, the whole White family gathered together for our annual gift exchange and exciting "Punchbox" presents from Jason's mom. The cousins had so much fun running around together and sharing their new presents with each other, and we all enjoyed a delicious Prime Rib for dinner.
We had one of the greatest Christmas Days ever and we are so looking forward to many more with our girls. We end this year being so thankful for everything God has given us. May this New Year bring many exciting new blessings to you!