Holton is 4 months old and he truly has stolen all of our hearts. I adore him more than words can express and I am just so in love. The way I hold him close and smell his little body, the way he smiles and giggles at me, and the way he is just so content with this world, makes me just adore him even more.
This month has been a big one and our little family gets to see so many changes as he grows. He is now smiling and screaming in delight, and he talks all the time and laughs when you tickle him. He enjoys sitting in the bumbo, playing on his tummy time mat, and bouncing in the entertainment bouncer. He is truly a delight, the easiest baby yet, and doesn't fuss unless he wants to be held, fed, or go to sleep. Holton is our snuggler and still falls asleep in anyone's arms. He is a good sleeper and wakes up only once in the night. His big sisters are enjoying having a baby brother and are fully adjusted to life with a little one in our home. Laylie likes to dance with him, hold him, and carry him from room to room. Rael is the best at keeping him happy and trying to get his attention. We all are in love and we can't wait to watch him grow and do new things in these next few months.