There are moments when you decide to totally give
everything up to God and let him lead. To be honest, it’s easier to say it than
actually do it. I am a planner and I love to have everything in order - I love having things on a list that I can cross off with a pen and have everything go
perfectly. But, the times when I fully commit to God and have him lead, guide, and protect us, I can always see his goodness and blessings more clearly than
ever before. This is exactly what is happening with my heart this very moment.
Over the last few months, Jason and I have been leaning towards selling our
condo in Encinitas and moving into a bigger place. A place where our girls can invite over
lots of friends, have weekly bible studies, with an extra room for the possibility of future babies, and just fill the home with family and friends. Well, the time has come and we listed
our house…Jonathan, our amazing and wonderful agent, put signs on our condo, we signed papers and
it was ready to be listed. Well, our house is now in escrow.

We found our dream home in Carlsbad and we are now in escrow with our new home. Jason and I are completely in awe of what God
is doing and his blessings.
There is so much excitement in me as I plan for a new home,
and all the wonderful things that it holds, but there is also a
bit of sadness in my heart knowing I will be leaving our
condo. The condo we have called home for the past 8 years, the home Jason took
me to when we were dating and told me this is where we would live together,
where he set up the living room as a “nature scene” because it was pouring rain
outside and proposed to me. This is the house he carried me in the door in my
big puffy wedding gown, where I grew our girls in my tummy and then brought them home
to this place. In this home we spent hours upon hours on home projects updating the house just the way we
like it, and always having parties, gatherings and celebrating each holiday. We have had lots of dancing, giggles, tears and memories in this home.
He proposed in the home and she said, "YES!!"
He carried her through the doorway into their home as they began their true love
Had fun and enjoyed each holiday in the house
Did loads of home projects together
Found out it's positive, Baby time...
Grew in the home
and grew again for #2
Brought home our sweet babies from the hospital
Celebrated special moments
And....made laughter, joy and fun in the home
I know when I walk out of the door one last time and the house will be empty I might shed a tear, but I can’t wait to see our lives grow in our new home in La Costa. I thank God for giving us such a beautiful place called home and all the memories it holds. This has been a wow time in our lives and we will always look back and remember that God fully took care of us and we gave it all up to him. We can’t wait to share with you our new place and keep you updated with our adventure “oh coming so soon.”