The last few weeks Laylie and I have been going out to our little patio to enjoy a few rays of sunshine. I would have to lay down a picnic blanket on the hard cement because the rest of our yard is taken over with our big palm trees and plants. We would play on the picnic blanket, eat lunch together and Laylie would swing in her swing. She loves being outside, exploring and tasting everything. Tasting…I mean leaves, dirt, pieces of bark and anything she can get her hands on. I don’t quite understand this because I would think these things taste absolutely disgusting but she seems to try and taste them every time we go out to play.
As we were playing one day I got to thinking, “it would be so nice if we had grass.” Grass would be perfect for our baby girl to play on, to lay our picnic blanket on and even for our dog Gypsy to have more room in our backyard. I mentioned this to my most loving and amazing husband and he thought it would be a grand idea. Jason went to work that weekend with my dad, taking out all the plants, digging up all the trees, and scrapping all the dirt. We laid down fresh grown grass and I have to say it is the loveliest backyard for us to enjoy and play in now. It brings a smile my face every time I do the dishes and look out our kitchen window. I know this summer we will be having so much fun enjoying being outside on our lovely grass area. Thank you to the awesome men in my life…Jason and my dad for making a perfect place for Laylie and I to play on and enjoy the sunshine this summer.
Here is the picture before – it is extra messy because they are working and taking out the trees.

Here is the picture after - our grassy picnic and play yard…isn’t it perfect?