Laylie and Her Mama...

Just Like Her Mama…
Laylie has this personality that absolutely loves to smile all the time, has a joyful heart and loves living life. Yup, I had/have this zest for life.
Laylie loves bugs, dirt and being outdoors. Yup, as a little girl I would spend hours making mud pies, putting salt on snails, dissecting spiders and bugs…oh, what fun!!
Laylie has this feistiness but sweet personality when she wants something. Yup, I had that at times.
Laylie does not have much hair at all. Yup, neither did I.
Laylie has these perfect little toes and has the tiniest little pinky toenail ever. Yup, she has my toes.
Laylie loves babies and kisses them until they are soaking wet with love. Yup, I wanted 100 kids when I was little because I loved babies and kids with my whole heart.
Laylie adores dogs and gets this overwhelming excitement for animals. Yup, I love animals and have always had a dog growing up.
Everything about Laylie is just so PERFECT AND LOVELY!!!
Laylie and Her Papa...

Just Like Her Papa…
Laylie has this sensitive and tender heart that loves everyone. Yup, her daddy was/is like this.
Laylie enjoys getting into anything technical and loves typing on the computer, playing with cell phones and the entertainment center. Yup, her daddy loved technical stuff and is now a computer programmer.
Laylie tries hard to obey and listen when told. Yup, her daddy was almost perfect as a child.
Laylie loves music and has this incredible “beat to the music” rhythm. Yes, her daddy had/has a passion for music and can play any interments he picks up.
Laylie is super easy going and does not mind change. Yup, her daddy was cool and calm.
Laylie has these beautiful blue eyes and super fair skin. Yup, that’s her dada.
Everything about Laylie is just so AMAZING AND AWESOME!!!
Laylie may have a few features here and there of Jason and I but she is her own little person. Her own personality, her own way of doing things and everything about her is special. God made every inch of her the exact way He wanted her to be. We are just so grateful that our amazing and awesome Father gave us the most treasured gift that we can't ever thank Him enough for. We are such lucky parents!!