Laylie turned 1 on October 9th and we had the most fabulous birthday party for her. Everything turned out perfect in every way and we just loved every moment about it. We had a picnic themed party where every guest brought their own picnic blanket and everything was decorated picnic style.

We truly are so blessed by all of our friends and family who came to share this special day with us. We celebrated the first year of our precious little peanut's life and everyone cheered us on for making it through our first year of being parents. We adore each and every one of the friends and family that celebrated with us.Little Laylie had such an awesome time and just enjoyed the whole party. I can’t believe our tiny little baby is now a 1 year old. What a magical and wonderful year it has been.
Here is our little Laylie bug ready to start the party in her adorable outfit. She was cute as can be from head to toe. Thanks to our sweet friend Calista for the special birthday tutu made by “Custom from Calista” ( it made her outfit just perfect.

The day was beautiful and sunny - just perfect for an outdoor picnic party. On the tables there were pictures from each month of Laylie’s life. Throughout the tables there were scattered little ladybugs and ants, great big picnic baskets filled with wonderful goodies, all sitting on decorative checkered tablecloths.
We had a “kid friendly” menu including peanut butter sandwiches, watermelon, grapes, fruit roll ups, animal cookies, gold fish, and a lot more munchies. Everyone seemed to love the lunch that was served.

For the day we had a bounce house for the kids and adults to have some fun jump time. All of the kids spent many hours jumping and playing. So much fun!!
We had a fun game of water balloon toss. Everyone did such an awesome job. Some made the toss a few feet, some made it incredibly far and some even got so wet… just like me :-)
Laylie had her very first cupcake and she enjoyed every bite. As we sang her “happy birthday” she smiled throughout the entire song and really enjoyed everyone signing to her. What a joy! She took a few minutes to figure out what a cupcake was; and after she knew how good it tasted, she went to town. Thank you, Jillian for making the most beautiful and wonderful picnic themed cupcakes ever. There were absolutely perfect and so delicious.

Laylie was so blessed by all of her wonderful gifts she received on her special day. She opened dollies, toys, books, clothes and even a new umbrella stroller. She is now playing with and enjoying each and every little gift that was generously given to her.

We had the most memorable and fantastic day. A few days after the party, Jason and I could not stop talking about how much fun and wonderful the day was, being surrounded by people we love, and enjoying every little detail.
We want to say, a special thank you to my sister Lisa ( who spent the whole day running around and capturing all the special moments. You are the best photographer and I admire you!

Laylie Joanelle, your papa and i love you with their whole hearts. You are our little shining star and we can’t even image life without you. We love every little square inch of you and we feel blessed to be your parents. May God bless you this year as you grow and mature, and may you follow Him throughout your days. We love you sweet Laylie J. – Mama

Dearest little Laylie, your Mommy and I are so incredibly blessed that God chose us to be your parents. Always know that we both love you with all of our hearts; always feel secure in the fact that you have parents that are deeply in love with each other; and always believe in the fact that God loves you so incredibly much that he gave up his only Son Jesus so that you could be filled with the Holy Spirit! We love you, sweet baby girl! - Papa