This month Laylie Joanelle turned 15 months…where has time gone? My heart is filled to the brim and overflowing with love for her. Every day, I can’t get enough of her and I feel so blessed God has given her to me to love and raise. The other day I looked at her and could not believe she belongs to me the blonde hair and bright blue eyed little girl is M.I.N.E. (and the Lords). Thank you Lord for giving me the perfect two gifts in my life…my amazing husband and my baby girl. I feel so grateful!
Laylie is now 15 Months and Jason and I are starting to see what great qualities God is giving her.
Here are just a few:
God is making her into a
“great and mighty communicator”:She now can say about 20 words clear as day such as…please, no, yea, water, dog, uh-oh, dada, mama, Gypsy, help etc. and signs a few words too.
She now can tell you a story for about 10 minutes straight with a few regular words but mostly baby talk.
God gave her
“willingness to help others”:She always picks up her toys without being asked, helps her mama put clean silverware away into the drawer and throws clean wet laundry into the dryer.
God gave her a
“heart for others”:If she notices someone in need she is there to bring comfort and a big hug.
If she has hurt someone she is easy to apologize and forgive.
God made her a
“complete girl”:Throughout most of her days, she spends a few hours trying on her collection of shoes and putting on pretty necklaces.
God has given her a
“feisty but sweet personality and can definitely can hold her own”She knows what she wants at times but is always willing to obey if told.
God gave her a willingness to be
“taught and learn more about Him”Enjoys reading a billion books a day and loves when we read her The Children’s Bible.
God gave her a
“fearless heart with mighty strength”She is a mighty
climber folks! Most of the time I find her stuck in places I have no clue how she got there in the first place. She gets a thrill going super high in a swing…sometime it seems like she may loop around the swing set. She loves when others throw her in the air and she giggles as her tummy drops.
We are relishing in this fun time being parents as we raise our little girl. Thank you, Heavenly Father for letting us raise your daughter and we promise we will love and adore her with all of our hearts.