We woke up Saturday and could not resist how beautiful the weather was so we headed to the beach for a beach day. We reclined on the sand, soaked up the sun, made sand-castles and played in the cold water. It was perfect!
Sunday we had a day at Seaworld. Laylie and i are able to go to Seaworld whenever we want, but Jason has not had the experience since he does not have an annual pass. We were given a day pass from a friend for Jason and could not wait to take him with us for his birthday. We loved taking him to the shows we enjoy best, showing him where we play and eat lunch each time we visit and we just enjoyed having him there with us and celebrating him. It felt like we were on vacation together and it was our favorite Seaworld trip ever since we got the annual pass. We are thinking maybe he needs to get one now :-) We had a great time and the weather was perfect.

Monday we had a family birthday party where i made his favorite crumb cake and snicker doodle cookies. Laylie and i decorated the house and made sure when he walked in the door from work we said "surprise" and sang "happy birthday". The gathering with the family was tons of fun, and all the little cousins had a blast with each other while the adults hung out.
We are so thankful for our family!

Tuesday was his birthday day. We called, emailed, texted, and facebooked "Happy Birthday" all day to let him know we are so thankful for him. We went out on a dinner date to get burgers, milkshakes and fries as he requested, and even our best friends from Colorado were able to meet us for a double-date. We sat together and chatted, laughed and brought back memories being together as close friends. We sat together for more than 2 hours with no kids and no interruptions. So nice! We had a wonderful evening and i loved spending a special night with the birthday boy.
Jason, I love you with my whole heart and i am truly so thankful to be your wife and best friend. You mean the world to me and i love living every single day by your side. Thank you for being the provider for our family and working hard every day, being the Godly man you are and showing us how to live out Christ. Thank you for loving us. Happy Birthday and we love you so incredibly much.