Wondering what the White Family has been up to? Here is all the fun since the last two months...
We have been doing many trips to Seaworld and we even got to spend a day with my brother Tim and his girlfriend Lindsay. Laylie had a blast running around with them, meeting Elmo, seeing Shamu and even going on some kid rides. What a fun time!

We have been going on neighborhood bike rides every weekend and Laylie loves riding on the back of Jason's bike. She has the time of her life and relaxes while he does all the hard work. She sure looks cute in her little helmet.

Some things Laylie loves to do every day….she washes her own hands in the bathroom a few times a day and loves the cold running water running through her little fingers. She is also very artistic and colors, paints and draws beautiful pictures for her daddy while he is at work. She loves playing with her new doll house that I scored at a garage sale with all the little accessories, too. Shoes, shoes, shoes – total girl – she loves spending a few hours trying on all of her shoes and hats and walking all around the house. Summer is here and she is for sure an outdoor girl and loves playing in her little pool, going to the park nearby or even playing in her playhouse in the backyard. I am enjoying every minute with Laylie and I am trying to soak it all in minute by minute.

It has been wedding season once again for Jason and I. One of Jason's best friends since kindergarten, Shane, married a wonderful girl Brooke, and they had a gorgeous wedding at the Brigantine Restaurant in Solana Beach. Jason had the honor of being one of the co-best men and did a great job being there for his buddy on his special day. Next, our friends Cubbie and Bec got married, and this wedding made everyone fall back in love again. These two are truly the sweetest and most "in love" couple I have ever seen, and their wedding was overlooking all of Old Town San Diego. Then, we had our first get-away without our little Laylie. We headed up to Valencia to go to a beautiful wedding on a golf course and Jason had the privilege of singing in the ceremony for the cutest married couple. The day was sunny and every detail was perfect. The wedding ended at 9pm but that did not stop us…we headed to a late night movie, walked around the town and went back to our hotel room, and finally got to bed around 1am. It was such a fun 1st get-away with so much love in the air and tons of entertainment. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for watching Laylie while we enjoyed our time together being away for the night.

Laylie's last dance class was this week and it truly was so much fun. She learned how to dance, jump, sing, do hand motions, cheer, somersaults and even hula-hoop. I loved watching her run around in her big tutu every week and watching her learn new things. We can’t wait for the Fall for the dance class to start up again.

Off to the Del Mar Fair... We had a blast at the local fair where Laylie rode a pony, took home a goldfish and even rode a big yellow bus to and from the parking lot. She enjoyed watching everything and even got to dance with her uncle Jon and Aunt Lisa at the Switchfoot concert that was playing that night. This week we were able to go to the fair again, and went with her buddy Owen.

We welcomed two precious and most perfect little babies into the world. I was blessed to be a part of my best friend Sierra’s entire birth and I was able to be there while little Landon Arnett came into this world. It truly was the most wonderful thing and I feel so honored to help Sierra do a complete natural labor. Kellen and Sierra, thank you for letting me be a part of your most treasured memory and you both did an amazing job. Landon is perfect in every way!

Jason's sister and our brother in-law Andrew welcomed our little nephew and their second little boy Micah Caedmon. He is the cutest and sweetest little baby. Jessica did an amazing job, and absolutely wowed everyone when after all was said and done, the little guy weighed in at 10lbs 14oz! Jessica, you amaze me and I am so proud of you! We can’t wait to watch our little nephew grow up and play with Laylie. Congratulations sis and bro!

Thank you for going down memory lane with us for the past two months. We just feel so over-joyed to be living a wonderful life and soaking up God’s blessings. Can’t wait for the summer fun and we will keep you posted.