We celebrated Christmas Eve with my family. Every year we all get together at my parents for a wonderful night going to an amazing church service at the Movement Church, a delicious lasagna dinner, singing Happy Birthday to Jesus several times during the night, and even once with a cake, gifts, and being together as a family. Laylie had a blast and I must say Jason and I really felt so overwhelmed with joy by all the love when we left my parents’ house Christmas Eve. We are so grateful and thankful!
Christmas morning we woke up at 6:30am ready to get our Christmas morning started. Our Sweet Laylie was so tired from Christmas Eve the night before, that she did not wake up till 9am. While we waited for our little girl to wake up, Jason and I had a special time sitting on the couch, drinking hot coco, and reading the Bible together. The morning was perfect from the start! Laylie woke up and was so thrilled it was Christmas morning. We did our annual picture taking on the stairs and then we gathered around our Christmas tree and opened gifts…Laylie thinks that all of her gifts came from Jesus since it is his birthday and he is so loving to share gifts with her. We ate a yummy French toast breakfast and got ready for the super fun day ahead of us.
Good Morning...Merry Christmas Laylie J!

Our annual picture taking on the stairs

Last years picture on the stairs...she looks so little.

A picture by our tree

Christmas Day we headed to Jason’s family’s house and had a wonderful Christmas with the White family. We gathered around the table to eat a delightful lunch made Jason’s sister, Chef Jillian. All the cousins played together and ran around the house enjoying each other. We had a wonderful time and truly must say that, even though Christmas has already come and gone, it was one of the best yet - and I am sure the years get better and better.

Jason had the blessing of taking off 5 whole days of work. What did we do with all of this time? Well, Jason and I went on a little get-away to Laguna Beach for the night without Laylie. We had a wonderful time soaking up each other and enjoying complete relaxation. Laylie had the greatest time being with my sweet friend Kalli while we were away. We feel so blessed to have Kalli in our lives, and are so thankful that she completely enjoys Laylie and was willing to watch her for the night while we went on our get-away.

After we arrived home, the next morning we headed to Downtown Disney so Laylie could meet all of her favorite Disney Characters at a buffet breakfast. She had a blast and it was so fun to watch her eyes light up when the characters would come over to our table to give her a big hug and kiss and spend some time with her. We also got some great photos and video of the whole experience. What a fun vacation!