A few weeks back my little girl was asking me all about letters, shapes, colors and numbers. Well, this mama thought to herself, “If she is asking…then let’s bring on the homeschooling.” For the past few weeks we have learned the letters A-E, mostly every shape and color, 5 bible verses, she can sing all of her ABC’s and she now can count to 20. It has been a true joy waking up each morning and doing some learning with my little Laylie. These moments bring a smile to my heart. It is extra fun for me because I was homeschooled all throughout my school years and I get to be in my Mom’s shoes, teaching my little girl about learning new things, just like my Mom taught me.

While Laylie is learning new things, our new baby has been busy growing...
18 Weeks- Baby is moving, tummy is growing and feeling great!