When a new life is growing inside of my belly, and we've found out what we are having and decided what the name will be, we always make a special trip to build a special stuffed animal for our sweet baby.
Friday afternoon the girls and I met Jason during his lunch break at Build A Bear. The girls picked out an adorable grey elephant for Holton that matched his room perfectly. They stuffed, washed, snuggled and named the little elephant. As a family, we recorded our voices on a little device that was stuffed inside of "Big Grey" telling Holton how much we love him and adore him. It was fun for Jason and I to remember a few years back when we headed to the mall just the two of us for Laylie's little bunny, and then a few years after that including little Laylie's voice for Rael's teddy bear. Now, we have both of our girls each helping us make one for our new baby boy. Traditions are so much fun and it is wonderful to watch our girls experience the joy of it all as well.

When Jason, Laylie and I built Rael's special teddy bear a couple years ago...
And Before that...When Jason and i built Laylie's special bunny that started the tradition...