It has been quite some time since we have posted some White Family News. The sun rises, making a new day, and the sun sets for the evening, both of which seem to always come too quickly. Days come and go as we teach, guide, love on, and play with our wonderful children while enjoying our life. These passing days have been mine and Jason's dream: our life together every day as we wake up next to each other, ready to continue to pour into each other as well as three little people God has blessed us with to provide, protect and lavish our love upon. Sometimes we get tired or overwhelmed and other times we have an over abundance of energy that needs to be let out - which will then include an extra game or two of chase around the house with lots of laughter. When Jason and I think about our blog we think about the memories and the moments, and we can look back on how tiny our babies once were and on our life with them. We have two huge year books that lay on our coffee table in the middle of our living room and these books are looked through many times each day. Friends and family page through them during their visits, and our girls burst with joy flipping through each page. After thinking about it, I knew I couldn't just stop our family story and it is well worth it. Years from now, when Jason and I grow old, we will be sitting in our rockers and looking back on all the fun we had as a family and think to ourselves - it sure has been a wonderful life being together.

Our Laylie Joanelle -
She is a helper, an encourager, a true lover and our sensitive one. She has a servant's heart like no other we have met before. She loves others deeply and works hard in school. She loves being home-schooled and learning God's word. She loves to read and craft. She is the greatest big sister to Rael and Holton.
Rael Gracelynn -
She is our fire-cracker, spunky, spirited one, all the while being fun and funny. Her bright blue eyes and blonde curly locks are captivating. We are seeing her heart changing and molding daily as we ask God for His loving grace. She gives the best hugs and brings so much laughter. She loves dance class, adventures outside, playing with friends and playing dolls.
Holton Peter -
11 Months and cute as can be. Melts everyone's hearts with his wet open mouth kisses, big smile and brown eyes. He is an easy-going kind of guy and likes to play with his sisters. He puts everything in his mouth and is super fast at army crawling. He is a big eater and still enjoys milk. He is a lover and sweetheart.
Our 3 Treasures who we love & adore!