Blessings From Above

Blessings From Above

Friday, November 30, 2012

Rael is 5 Months...

Rael is 5 months!

She is turning into the sweetest and most jolly little girl. She enjoys watching and playing with her big sister, Laylie. Anytime she is sad or unhappy, Laylie is right there to shake a rattle or act silly to make her giggle. She is sleeping through the night now - 10 hours straight, and taking 3 naps throughout the day. She is starting to taste and eat her first food - homemade peas. She loves to eat and doesn't mind the greens. Laylie can't resist helping feed her and does a great job getting more peas in her mouth than on her bib. Rael is a big smiler and giggles when she is happy. She is still rolling around everywhere and is learning how to sit on her own, but is still pretty wobbly. She loves sucking on her toes and giving everyone big opened mouth kisses. I can't believe it will be a half a year next month. Time sure goes by fast, and I am loving each and every moment. Happy 5 months, sweet baby girl!

It's Christmas Time

Merry Christmas!! We are fully ready and decorated at the White House. A few days after Thanksgiving, we had fun together decorating our house. We put up garland, lights, Christmas wreaths, and more. This year, Laylie was such a good helper and loved opening up each and every Christmas box to see what Christmas items she could find. After we fully decorated the house, we went to the Christmas tree lot down the street and picked out the best Christmas tree we could find. Laylie loved running around and Rael simply enjoyed being held in Jason's arms. We brought our Christmas tree back home - and as we listened to Christmas music, ate mini doughnuts, and sipped hot chocolate, we decorated the tree together as a family. I must add, that with Laylie being 3, this is our greatest Christmas yet. She knows so much about the true meaning of Christmas, she is so helpful, and it is so cute how she can't wait until the day comes. We all are ready to celebrate our Savior's birth and enjoy our most favorite holiday with our family and friends.
We hope this Christmas is a wonderful one for you, too!!!  

We are Thankful...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, or lets say, Thanksgivings.

Our 1st Thanksgiving took place at our wonderful Mamoe and Grandad's house. The house was decorated to the fullest, and this year they even rented a bounce house for the kids to jump in throughout the day. Even the adults had a great time jumping and going down the slide. The food was so delicious and being with all the family was just so fun. Once again we got a cousin photo and this year we added Rael to the cousin mix. We are so thankful for all the little children God had blessed us with and our family.

Our second Thanksgiving was at my parents' house where we all got together to enjoy each other's company. We sat around a beautifully decorated table and ate a wonderful lunch. We were all so thankful for one another and grateful that our family is so big and fun. There is always someone to chat with, laugh with, and play with when we all get together. It was a perfect Thanksgiving.

The 3rd and final Thanksgiving was at Jason's Grandma's house where we ate some more turkey, mashed potatoes and green beans. Laylie had a wonderful time playing with all the second cousins and riding her bike in the cul-de-sac. Rael loved being held by the adults and snuggling with her older second cousins. It is always a great time being with Jason's side of the family and hanging out with his sweet Grandma June. We are so thankful and blessed this year. God is so good!! We are also very thankful for you, too.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Past Days

We have had a lot of fun the last few weeks and here is a little re-cap of all the joys:
Rael is rolling all over the house now and she does not stay in one spot any longer.

She had a horrible earache this last weekend and is finally back to her happy self after a lot of fussy days. She loved being held – Uncle Tim and Auntie Nicole got some snuggles that made her happy. Laylie did a good job making her laugh here and there.

Laylie has been such a big helper - She helps clean the house, take care of Rael,  run errands with me and even mows the lawn for her daddy. We love her tender heart and feel so grateful she is our daughter.

My Aunt Beth flew in from Washington with her fiancé Ron and we threw them an engagement party at my parents’ house. We loved hanging out with our family and celebrating the new couple being in love.

My sweet sister Lisa turned 30 and we had a lovely “Night in Paris” birthday party at Crepes and Corks in Del Mar. We had tons of fun celebrating Lisa, eating yummy crepes and hanging out with family again.

Jason and I went to my childhood friend Megan’s wedding up in Murrieta. It was a beautiful wedding and Megan looked stunning. We were blessed by our awesome friends, the Watts, to have them watching our girls as we attended the wedding. Laylie had a blast with them making cookies, playing with Chancen, and dressing up in her Tinker Bell outfit. It was a treat to be able to enjoy each other’s company knowing our girls were well taken care of – but we sure did miss them.

We are excited that the Holidays are coming and that we will be making more fun memories as the days go by. Bring it on!!!