Last week we took a fun trip to Colorado to visit our closest and dearest friends, the Clarks. We had the most wonderful time being together with them. We relaxed in their living room with the most magnificent view of Pikes Peak. All 11 of us sat around the dining room table 3 times a day eating the most delicious home cooked meals. We played dress up, played chase, and the kids did countless horsey rides around the living room on Jason's back. While we were on their farm, we were blessed with the most wonderful weather - the most beautiful snow you could ever imagine. We went sledding and even got to experience the beauty of snow falling on us. Jason had fun with his buddy Joey riding on quads, plowing snow, shooting guns, and shooting arrows with a bow. Kacy and I loved each and every minute we spent together as we sat on the couch, giggled at fun stories, watched a girly movie, and went shopping. I was in heaven being with my best girlfriend and her darling 4 children. It was a joy to see Laylie playing with all of the Clark kids, hearing her laugh until she couldn't breathe, and having the time of her life. It was so much fun and we loved every second it. Thank you, Clark family, for your generous hospitality, for such a fun trip, and for making memories we won't ever forget.
Blessings From Above

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Goodbye Gypsy
Almost 7 years ago, as Jason and I were traveling home from our 1 year anniversary trip, we heard some exciting news from my brother. He had a friend that could no longer take care of an adorable 10 year old black and white cocker spaniel. I immediately asked Jason if we could get a dog and he quickly replied, "No!" I accepted the answer for the time being and later on that day asked him again and he looked at me and said, "Alright, let's get a dog." I was so excited and could not wait for this cute black and white cocker spaniel to arrive at our house. Jason and I were just newlyweds, so this would be our very first treasured thing to take care of together, which would be so much fun.
Gypsy arrived at our house with so much spunk and was running around everywhere and checking everything out. They gave us a list of her favorite food and treats and a file folder of all her vet history. That night we took Gypsy out to the nearest Petco where we picked out a cute bed, some polka-dot bowls, and a new leash. We even engraved a new name tag for her with her new home address and the names of her proud owners on it. She was happy and we were overjoyed. She became our baby where she would sleep on our bed, lay next to us on the floor as we did crafts or watched tv, and would always be in the kitchen with us as we cooked. She sometimes would drive us nuts by doing those things dogs do, such as scratching our couches until they had holes, leaving a pee stain on the cement patio when there was a ton of perfectly green grass, or constantly itching and scratching herself from allergies; but all these things didn't even come close to how much love we had for her.
Fast forward 4 years later, and we had our baby girl, Laylie. Laylie and Gypsy quickly became the very best of friends. Laylie's first word was "dog," and they always played and did fun things together. Gypsy had the most tender and sweetest personality where we would never ever hear her growl or even get bothered by Laylie. Gypsy cared and protected all of us and truly did her job on being the best dog.
Then came our second baby girl, Rael. Again, Gypsy didn't mind one bit when Rael would crawl all over her or even grab her fur. She acted like these little girls were her own babies.
Today, 7 years later, with Gypsy being 17 years old (which is like 119 in dog years - simply wonderful!) we had to say the hardest goodbye to our sweet and amazing pup. No words can express how much love we have for our pup and she truly was our little family's best friend. The last days we spent with her were just what we needed.
We had tears flowing down our cheeks as we stroked her head, kissed her cheeks, and thanked her for all the years of her faithful time to our family. She truly was the perfect dog for our family and our hearts were so hurting to see her go. The time came where Gypsy left our family and we said our final goodbye. As our hearts were aching we gathered flowers from outside and placed her in a perfect little box just her size.
That same evening our little family gathered around her one last time and put her to rest on Jason's parents land, under a beautiful tree. Laylie and her cousins made goodbye notes and let two balloons go up into the air for Gypsy. We all know she will be so missed, and she will always have a place in our hearts forever and ever.
We love you, Gypsy, and we thank you for loving us unconditionally like dogs are so good at doing. I am so glad that Jason said yes to you all those years ago and that you spent some wonderful and unforgettable years with our family.
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