Our little family went down memory lane and it was such a remarkable day for me. I lavished in every moment of it and tried to capture all the fun we were having. Today, we packed up the car and headed to the city of Costa Mesa. This is where some of my most cherished memories are as a little girl being with my Grandma & Grandpa Hamborg. My little Laylie never got to meet my amazing Grandpa and I wanted her to experience the special moments I had with my sweet Grandpa - to show her the fun things we did together and why I have the fondest memories with him. I know he would have just adored her to pieces. I know Laylie would have sat in his rocking chair on his lap reading book after book for hours and soaked up all of his lullabies he would have sung to her. Yes, he spent countless hours doing this with me and those moments will never be forgotten. My Grandpa was the most remarkable Grandpa anyone could ask for and he truly was a man of love. He was the most caring man and loved his children and grandchildren with his whole heart. When I would visit my Grandparents just for the day or even for the weekend he would make sure we got our alone time in. He would make a sign with his fingers in the shape of a big “O” which always meant it was our time to head out for our special date together. The big “O” was the sign for doughnuts. And afterwards, that always included a little trip to a farm and also feeding the ducks at the nearest park with a pond. We did this for many years and I enjoyed every minute. He made me feel so special and loved.
I wanted to take Jason and Laylie on my Grandpa’s date and show them what we saw and did together. Our first stop was a little 4-H farm where the local kids get to raise animals and grow vegetables. It was so fun to see the little farm and remember myself running around everywhere just like Laylie did. We got to pet the animals, run through the gardens and go inside a red barn. It brought back a flood of memories and I had a huge smile just thinking of all the fun I had at this tiny little farm.

We met the sweetest angora sheep named Moco and i wanted to take her home with us. She loved being pet and adored Laylie. Look how cute this sheep is...

Our next stop was a beautiful park with a large pond. My Grandpa would always bring some bread to feed the ducks in the pond and that is exactly what we did. Laylie had so much fun throwing tiny little bread crumbs at the ducks and watching them dive to get it. It was such a blast watching the ducks swim and the thrill Laylie was having. I now know why my Grandpa enjoyed watching us feed the ducks because it really did bring so much joy to us and also him. I loved it!

Then, it was off to get our doughnuts. We stopped at the same doughnut shop we would go together and we ate the most delicious doughnuts in honor of my Gramps.

I wanted to take Jason and Laylie to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house before they moved to San Diego with us. I showed them where I spent every holiday, where all of my cousins would run around, and even the tree my grandma fell out of when she broke her hip. It was great to pull up to the house and see it so pretty.

What a perfect and wonderful day. I am just so thankful for all the memories I have with my sweet Grandpa and my heart is just over joyed that I got to show Laylie and Jason what our special date was all about. This is a date that I will always remember forever. I sure do miss and love you Grandpa and can’t wait to see you again.
Here are some photos of my lovely Grandpa...

I wanted to take Jason and Laylie on my Grandpa’s date and show them what we saw and did together. Our first stop was a little 4-H farm where the local kids get to raise animals and grow vegetables. It was so fun to see the little farm and remember myself running around everywhere just like Laylie did. We got to pet the animals, run through the gardens and go inside a red barn. It brought back a flood of memories and I had a huge smile just thinking of all the fun I had at this tiny little farm.

We met the sweetest angora sheep named Moco and i wanted to take her home with us. She loved being pet and adored Laylie. Look how cute this sheep is...

Our next stop was a beautiful park with a large pond. My Grandpa would always bring some bread to feed the ducks in the pond and that is exactly what we did. Laylie had so much fun throwing tiny little bread crumbs at the ducks and watching them dive to get it. It was such a blast watching the ducks swim and the thrill Laylie was having. I now know why my Grandpa enjoyed watching us feed the ducks because it really did bring so much joy to us and also him. I loved it!

Then, it was off to get our doughnuts. We stopped at the same doughnut shop we would go together and we ate the most delicious doughnuts in honor of my Gramps.
I wanted to take Jason and Laylie to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house before they moved to San Diego with us. I showed them where I spent every holiday, where all of my cousins would run around, and even the tree my grandma fell out of when she broke her hip. It was great to pull up to the house and see it so pretty.
What a perfect and wonderful day. I am just so thankful for all the memories I have with my sweet Grandpa and my heart is just over joyed that I got to show Laylie and Jason what our special date was all about. This is a date that I will always remember forever. I sure do miss and love you Grandpa and can’t wait to see you again.
Here are some photos of my lovely Grandpa...