Pampering Rael on her 3rd Birthday was too much fun - We got our nails done, we went out to lunch, and we had a fun time swimming at Auntie Lisa and Uncle Jon's pool for the evening. Yay for being 3!
Blessings From Above

Sunday, June 28, 2015
Rael is 3!!
Our blue eyed little girl turned the big 3. Our Rael is the most darling little girl and we are in love with her. We adore her blonde hair with lots of tight curls, bright blue eyes, her tiny little freckle above her lip, her dimples, and her chubby little cheeks.
We adore the way she makes everyone laugh and how she constantly says the cutest things. She is our child that keeps us on our toes and with here, there is never a boring moment. She is sweet, tender, and loving, and also has a cute feisty personality. Rael, you light up our hearts and we are so thankful to God that he has gifted us with such a special little person. We are passionately in love with you and never can get enough of that tiny little body. She welcomes anyone with a "hello" and is very outgoing. Laylie and Rael are the bestest of friends and spend most of their days being together. She is becoming the best big sister to Holton and always runs to his needs. She absolutely loves the TV show Daniel Tiger, and she is constantly playing "Mommy/Daddy's" which is how she refers to her doll house. She is the best snuggler and will wrap her little arms around you neck as tight as she can.
Rael enjoys snacks and her all time favorite food is Mac and Cheese. This year has been a big one - she is now potty trained fully throughout the day/night, she sleeps in a big girl bed, she sits in a big chair for meals, and she has truly become a big sister. Rael, you light up our hearts and we love you so much. We have enjoyed being with you and watching you grow these past 3 years. We can't wait to watch you become the little lady that God has planned you to be.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Laylie is now a Kindergartener....
We now have a Kindergartener and we are so proud of our Laylie!
Laylie's Preschool Graduation Day was extra special...
Laylie's Preschool Graduation Day was extra special...
Here are some memories of her preschool years:
Laylie's 1st day of preschool when she was just 2 years old:
With her teacher Miss Wendy when she started preschool and now on the last day of graduation...
Laylie's 1st day of preschool when she was 3 years old:
With her teacher Ms. Michelle when she started school and now on the last day of graduation...
Laylie's 1st day of preschool when she was 4 years old/Pre-K class
And now a big 5 year old and a Kindergartener....
We love you so much Laylie J. and we can't wait to continue to watch you grow!
What a lovely 3 years of preschool it was and you blossomed each passing year.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Already 3 Weeks..
3 weeks have gone by and I can already start to notice that my little gentleman is changing so much already. He is feeling heavier when he sleeps on my chest, he is starting to talk with his little eyes and look straight at you. He notices things around him that make noise and can now be awake for longer periods of time. I sat in my yellow chair this morning talking to him and he smiled right back at me for the first time - it melted my heart. I am in love!!!
Holton has been going on lots of adventures these days since he is the 3rd child. He has been to the beach, play-dates at the park, grandma and grandpa's house, Laylie's preschool, and even dinner dates with mommy and daddy. He goes with the flow and just hangs out. Laylie still adores him and always asks to hold him and cuddle him. Rael is starting to really be such a sweet big sister and we can see her love for her brother is starting to show clearly. Whenever Holton cries she runs over to him and tries to calm him down and without a beat - it works! She enjoys rubbing his head while reading him books or snuggling close. Shortly our family won't remember what life was like without our little gentleman. Even though some of my days I get pooped on, spit-up on, peed on several times a day and get woken up a lot during the night - I am a person that absolutely loves and adores the newborn stage, so I am pretty much in heaven. Little gentleman - we love you so!
The One We Call "Auntie Kacy"
We had the greatest 4 days that filled our hearts with so much happiness. My dearest friend Kacy came all the way from Colorado to visit me and meet Holton. She paid for her and her daughter Halee's plane tickets, and she left all 4 of her other children to be watched by her husband while she was with me. Kacy completely gave me such a relaxing weekend being in her presence. I've always heard stories or read about how amazing it is to have help from a special person when a new baby comes home - getting help with cooking, cleaning, and holding the baby while you get other things done or take a nap - well, that is exactly what my amazing friend did for me. The night she arrived, she went grocery shopping and made my favorite soup that was her mama's recipe. The next morning, I woke up to fresh baked strawberry muffins, fruit, and scrambled eggs. She constantly helped me in any way that she could find as I learned how to do multiple things at once, like nursing out in public while trying to take the little ones potty. Or trying to carry the food, hold a baby, and find a table with others in tow. It was such a true blessing to be loved on and I am forever thankful. It is something so special to have your best friend be in your home while you chat for long hours. We talked about raising my 3 kids and her 6 kids, about marriage, friends, God, and life.
We sat many times in the sun as we drank peach tea, took a long neighborhood walk, watched a movie on my couches with cozy blankets, held a baby, and watched our girls play so nicely together. Kacy and Halee - our time with you was magical and we already miss you so much. Thank you so much for loving on our little family and making memories together. My heart was happy to see you hold my baby boy in your arms and watching our girls play so perfectly together. I don't like good byes and I tear up every time I give you that last hug at the airport because being right by your side every day makes life so much sweeter. I love our friendship more than words can say and I love that my kids will always call you "Auntie".
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